Ginger S
3 min readAug 10, 2021


A brand new….me.

Maybe the journey is as important as the destination.

I have spent most of my life being who I thought other people wanted me to be, the dutiful daughter, devoted wife and, mother. Now I am not saying I don’t love my family. It is just, that instead of continuing to pursue my interests I just put myself and my dreams on the back burner, as it were and because of that decision, I have been unhappy for most of my adult life.

It wasn’t until recently I realized the only person I needed to live for and the only person who could make me truly happy was….Me.

It was a profound realization brought about by one simple question in a conversation with a friend.

June and I both seemed to be at a crossroads in our lives, our children are out of the nest and living their own lives however we both seemed to feel we needed to be close and available in case our children needed us. During the conversation, June asked my advice on what she should do.

What was my advice you ask?

I told her to follow her dreams and do what made her happy.

June and I continued our nice long chat moving on from our lives to catching up on news of family, friends and, coworkers…. okay fine we gossiped like old ladies at the garden gate. As we were saying our goodbyes, she asked me:



Ginger S

Following my bliss one stitch at a time. While I am interested in a wide range of topics, knitting is what brings me the most joy, besides my family of course.