A useful tool of the trade.

Ginger S
2 min readJun 3, 2023

Does this sound familiar?

You sit down at your computer to write another article or work on your novel, then you get distracted by all the other things your computer has to offer.

The next thing you know, it is a few hours later and you have watched a video or two or ten on YouTube and played a few games.

What haven’t you done?

Worked on your writing.

photo from Unsplash.com

This is true for me.

The other issue I have is my rather obsessive need to self-edit as I draft. Which also leads to not much drafting getting done.

I found a device that has helped me get past this and let me focus on the work itself.

Well, I say “I found”, really it was recommended by Sarra Cannon on her YouTube channel, Heart Breathings.

What is the device you say? It is the Neo by Alphasmart, a portable word processor which lets me write without the distractions my computer or phone offer.

They are no longer making the Neo however, I found a new-in-box Alphasmart Neo on eBay for a fair price.



Ginger S

Following my bliss one stitch at a time. While I am interested in a wide range of topics, knitting is what brings me the most joy, besides my family of course.